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Healthy Eating and Nutrition Class

Classes Offered: First Monday each month from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm


Prenatal Classes

Classes Offered:  Third Monday each month (please see calendar for specific dates), 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm (FREE)


  • For: Mountainlands prenatal patients.  Classes held once a month. Topics include: late term pregnancy concerns, labor stages, postpartum care, feeding options and infant care, and hospital registration.

Diabetes and Heart Disease Prevention Class

Classes Offered:  Second Monday each month from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm 




Health Education Team


Tanner Davidson
Primary Care RN


Ariel Tita
Primary Care RN

Chronic Care Management



  • MCHC patient educators offer specific education for hypertensive patients, including diet and lifestyle changes as well as medication management under the direction of their provider.


  • MCHC offers a 3-month blood pressure management program in which hypertensive patients can borrow a blood pressure machine from the clinic, free of charge, for a period of 90 days. Patients receive a small incentive prize for completing the program.

    •  This program is recommended for any Mountainlands patients who have been diagnosed with hypertension.


  • The MCHC Health Education department provides cardiovascular education regarding how to manage high cholesterol and live a heart-healthy life.


Image by Mufid Majnun



The MCHC Health Education department offers diabetes education and support to all diabetic patients. Our courses include:


  • ​Free pre-diabetes group classes (see above)


  • Glucometer, diet and lifestyle, and medication education for newly diagnosed or long-term diabetic patients


  • Risk management education: this involves education on common tests that a diabetic patient may need to complete with a provider in the clinic (e.g. A1c exams every 3 months, yearly foot exams, lipid panel, retinal exam, and microalbumin exam)​


  • Insulin administration/management education


  • Gestational diabetes education



Image by Naassom Azevedo



MCHC will now be offering CCM services to patients who have 2 or more chronic diseases who feel they may need additional help managing their personal health.


Patients enrolled in the CCM program will work with designated Care Managers (Registered Nurses) who will:


  • Assist patients in managing their chronic illnesses​


  • Answer any patient questions regarding their care


  • Remind patients of important health instructions from provider visits


  • Help patients refill medications, schedule appointments, and arrange transportation​



Doctor Office

For more information or to register for a class,

call 801-429-2000

Chronic Care Management
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